Posts tagged rescue
What Does Rescue Look Like?

In my last post I asked what kind of encounter is needed for someone to go "all in" with God and came to the conclusion that the heart of such an encounter is the experience of rescue. It's easy to imagine what rescue may look like for the hardened sinner or the person who hits rock bottom, but what about for someone who's always played by the rules, who's always gone to church, always tried their best to do their Christian duty? (Post 6/8 on "Inviting the Act of Faith")

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Going "All In" with God

In order to talk about what it looks like practically to invite someone to faith, we need to identify something of what we mean by "the act of faith." In this context, we are speaking of a decision to follow Jesus unreservedly. It is, in the words of Pope John Paul II, "the decision to entrust [oneself] to Jesus Christ" (Catechesi Tradendae 25). It is an "all in" moment with Jesus that says, "My life is now a blank check in your hands." (Post 4/8 on "Inviting the Act of Faith")

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