Posts tagged growth
Revelation to Transformation

The life that we are offered in Jesus is a transformed life. Sometimes this transformation looks like moving from darkness to light, at other times it looks like moving from glory to glory, but continual growth, progress, and increase is the constant dynamic of the Christian life. And the greatest transformation doesn't come about through an analysis of our shortcomings, but through a vision of the nature and character of God.

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6 Everyday Acts of Bravery

Doing the work of evangelization requires real courage, but not just the kind of courage that is standing up to the culture tide, or proclaiming unpopular truths, or even stepping out of your comfort zone to have the "Jesus Conversation." Yes, these occasional acts of courage are necessary from time to time, but there are also certain everyday acts of bravery that are just as crucial.

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Once Saved, Always Saved?

In this series on inviting the act of faith and what Catholics can learn from Evangelicals on the subject, I want to take a look at a common Evangelical doctrine that is often referenced in conjunction with the invitation to faith. This is the "once saved, always saved" doctrine. In short, this doctrine says that once one has made the act of faith, once one has given their life to Christ and accepted him as savior, one's status as "saved" can never be lost. (Post 3/8 on "Inviting the Act of Faith")

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